Errol Olton

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Working from Home? Your Keys to Succcess

Originally featured on my Coaching Blog at

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. “ - Jack Canfield

Stir crazy, cabin fever, and Netflix binge watching may be a few ways to describe your time at home right now (I know it is for me lol). Since we are advised to stay indoors, many of us have jobs which now require us to work from home.

Your Next Move

Tip 1. Setup an At-Home Work Station

If you were at work, you'd have the benefit of a quiet space with all of your essentials right next to you. Above, you'll see my own work space!

While at home, you'll need to do the same.

  1. Setup a quiet space, away from your comfy bed. You need to program your mind to focus on the task at hand, whenever you're at your station.

  2. Add a memento or quote to keep you motivated. Pictured below is my desk with a poised leopard to remind me to attack the day with power! For some light reading, I'm reading Toni Morrison's Beloved.

  3. Bonus: Throw on a pair of headphones, playing sounds which support your focus. My favorite sound is "white noise", since it has no distracting lyrics or sounds.

Tip 2. Create a Solid Schedule

Trust me when I say that your days will fly-by with a solid schedule! Just as if it were a regular workday, plan out each section of your day. Here's a sample of my own schedule for this week. 

  • 6:30am: Wake-up and eat breakfast

  • 7:00am: Workout

  • 7:30am: Shower

  • 8:00am - 4:00pm: Work on resume packages and Career Coaching Program calls 

  • 11:00am: Short break

  • 1:00pm: Lunch break

  • 5:00pm: Virtual "Happy Hour"!

  • 7:00pm: Cook dinner

  • 9:00pm: Watch Netflix or read Beloved

Bonus: Share your calendar with your family so that they are less likely to distract you.

Tip 3. Indulge in a Virtual Happy Hour

I know this may sound "uncool" but virtual happy-hours are the latest thing right now! Break your indoor rut by having a virtual happy-hour with your coworkers or friends. Grab a snack and your favorite beverage, then celebrate with a in virtual cheers with your coworkers! 

Bonus: Use platforms such as Zoom, FaceTime, and Google Hangouts